18 Card Game RSS feeds
RSS (RDF Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) is a web feed that allows users and applications to access updates to websites in a standardized, computer-readable format. Subscribing to RSS feeds can allow a user to keep track of many different websites in a single news aggregator, which constantly monitor sites for new content, removing the need for the user to manually check them. RSS feeds can be easily imported as posts or pages using multi-source content curation and autoblogging plugins for WordPress such as CyberSEO Pro, or RSS feed aggregators like RSS Retriever and others.
Canadian Technology
BlackjackGala | Top Blackjack Guide & Games Site RSS feed
This site is solely focused on blackjack, both offline and online. Featuring tutorials, tips, casinos and bonuses for Blackjack, and free Blackjack games.
URL: https://www.blackjackgala.com/feed/
BlackjackInfo Blog RSS feed
The latest on Blackjack from beginning basics including tips & tricks to card counting, as well as more advanced strategies. BlackjackInfo provides free and accurate blackjack advice and discussion.
URL: https://www.blackjackinfo.com/feed/
Card Kingdom Blog RSS feed
The Card Kingdom is owned and operated by brothers John and Damon Morris. It is one of the world's biggest retailers of Magic: the Gathering, with two brick-and-mortar locations in the Seattle area. The Card Kingdom is the best place on earth to buy Magic cards.
URL: https://blog.cardkingdom.com/feed/
Denexa Games Blog RSS feed
The blog of Denexa Games covers card game rules, game hosting tips and more.
URL: https://www.denexa.com/feed/
DriveThruCards.com | Connecting card game designers and players RSS feed
DriveThruCards.com goal is to bring card game creators and fans together through one marketplace just as they have done at DriveThruRPG.
URL: https://www.drivethrucards.com/rss.php
Epic Card Game Blog RSS feed
Epic Card Game Blog is a strategy card game of mythic battles. It is a fast paced card game of fantasy combat from the creators of Star Realms.
URL: https://www.epiccardgame.com/feed/
Jesta ThaRogue RSS feed
Jesta ThaRogue blog features Board & Card Game Video Reviews.
URL: https://www.jestatharogue.com/feed
Manitou Gameworks Blog RSS feed
A blog for players of the strategy card game, Manitou. The adventurer who creates the most populated island rules the new world! Manitou is a card game that plays like a board game. It has simple rules and a deep strategy which makes it easy to learn and fun to play again and again. A great family game, Manitou is for ages 10 with a playing time of about 20 to 30 minutes.
URL: https://manitougameworks.com/feed/
Max Playing Cards RSS feed
Max Playing Cards is the right place for cardist, a magician, a collector as it covers everything about Max Playing Cards.
URL: https://www.maxplayingcards.com/en/feed/
Online Blackjack Blog RSS feed
Advice for playing online blackjack as well as information on blackjack basic strategy, card counting, tips, and free blackjack games. Online Blackjack is one of the leading blackjack resources for online and bricks and mortar blackjack players.
URL: https://www.onlineblackjack.com/blog/feed/
PTCGO Store Blog RSS feed
We're here to offer you a completely seamless way of purchasing Pokemon codes. We do this by providing you with all the very best of it in just one place, which means you can spend 'less' time trawling the net for them and even 'more' time spent doing what you enjoy most - Playing Pokemon Trading Card Game Online of course!
URL: https://www.ptcgostore.com/rss.asp?type=blog
Rempton Games - Trading Card Games RSS feed
The following section of Rempton Games is dedicated to Trading Card Games. I'm Caleb Compton, Designer and founder of Rempton Games. With Rempton Games, I hope to design games with relatively simple rules that are easy to pick up, yet still have plenty of depth and replayability. I also make videos and post articles on this site every few weeks about various different topics in game design, from the strategy of Rock, Paper, and Scissors to the social impacts of Video Games.
URL: https://remptongames.com/category/trading-card-games/feed/
Side Room Games Blog RSS feed
We started this board & card game company in 2017 as a way to make awesome games for the community. We want to find designs that we're passionate about and help them see their way into finished products. We also want to help the rest of the community by providing any insights we come across as we learn all about game development, publishing, manufacturing, and fulfillment.
URL: https://www.sideroomgames.com/feed/
The Board Game Family | Card Games RSS feed
The Board Game Family loves board games and they want to share their love of family board games and card games with the world. This blog shares reviews and thoughts about family card games, dice games.
URL: https://www.theboardgamefamily.com/category/game-reviews/card-games/feed/
The Family Gamers | Card Games RSS feed
We share tips and tricks to help you enjoy playing games with your kids - mostly tabletop games with the occasional video game thrown in. Audio, pictures, and videos to help you find the right games for your family.
URL: https://www.thefamilygamers.com/tag/card-games/feed/
The World of Playing Cards Blog RSS feed
The World of Playing Cards Blog is where we review creative playing card enterprises from around the world. The World of Playing Cards is a living encyclopedia of the history and visual art of playing cards. Our mission is to make a contribution to the public awareness and appreciation of this fascinating and ancient subject that encompasses so much of social involvement, play, history, and art.
URL: https://feeds.feedburner.com/worldofplayingcards
Unboxed The Board Game Blog RSS feed
Unboxed The Board Game Blog is a premiere site for reviews of Board, Card and Miniature Games. With reviews, interviews and guest posts from renowned designers.
URL: https://www.unboxedtheboardgameblog.com/blog-feed.xml
What's Eric Playing? RSS feed
The point of this blog is just to talk about some games I've been playing recently and make recommendations to friends or anyone who is interested in reading it.
URL: https://whatsericplaying.com/feed/