20 Cerebral Palsy RSS feeds

RSS (RDF Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) is a web feed that allows users and applications to access updates to websites in a standardized, computer-readable format. Subscribing to RSS feeds can allow a user to keep track of many different websites in a single news aggregator, which constantly monitor sites for new content, removing the need for the user to manually check them. RSS feeds can be easily imported as posts or pages using multi-source content curation and autoblogging plugins for WordPress such as CyberSEO Pro, or RSS feed aggregators like RSS Retriever and others.

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📡 5 Kid Life (one with Cerebral Palsy) RSS feed

It was Thanksgiving day back in 2002. I was only 23 years old and my life forever changed on that day. I had a placental abruption and Brendan was born at 33 weeks. He lost oxygen during delivery due to incompetent care but was a fighter and turned 13 this year. My journey in life over the past 13 years took many turns I was not expecting but I try to stay strong and have my husband by my side even when I am not.

URL: http://cerebralpalsyfriends-mom2three.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📝


📡 Aideen Blackborough RSS feed

I have Cerebral Palsy but it doesn't have me!

URL: https://aideenblackborough.com/feed/ 📝


📡 Cerebral Palsy Alliance | News RSS feed

Cerebral Palsy Alliance provides essential services and equipment for families who are living with disabilities. This can mean providing anything from an electric wheelchair to regular physiotherapy.

URL: https://research.cerebralpalsy.org.au/feed/ 📝


📡 Cerebral Palsy Career Builders Blog RSS feed

The Cerebral Palsy Career Builders Blog highlights Jim Hasse's latest tips for parents who are career coaching CP youngsters between 7 to 27 years old.

URL: https://feeds.feedburner.com/CerebralPalsyCareerBuildersBlog 📝


📡 Cerebral Palsy Daily Living RSS feed

Cerebral Palsy Daily Living is designed to give families and caregivers dealing with CP a central place for practical information and resources within the context of an emotionally-supportive community.

URL: http://cpdailyliving.com/feed/ 📝


📡 Cerebral Palsy Foundation RSS feed

The Cerebral Palsy Foundation is dedicated to transforming lives for people with cerebral palsy today through research, innovation, and collaboration.

URL: http://www.yourcpf.org/feed/?x=1 📝


📡 Cerebral Palsy Guidance RSS feed

We provide vital guidance and assistance to parents of a child with cerebral palsy. Information on causes, treatment, financial assistance, and more.

URL: https://www.cerebralpalsyguidance.com/feed/ 📝


📡 Cerebral Palsy Law Doctor RSS feed

Our team is uniquely qualified with both Legal and Medical degrees, which is why we are the choice of so many parents seeking justice for their child with Cerebral Palsy and why others with serious and permanent injuries due to medical mistakes seek out our counsel.

URL: http://www.cerebralpalsylawdoctor.com/blogs/feed/ 📝


📡 Disability Scoop - Cerebral Palsy RSS feed

The national developmental disability news site covering autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, intellectual disability and more.

URL: https://www.disabilityscoop.com/cerebral-palsy/feed/ 📝


📡 Hannah's Adventures of Living Her Dreams RSS feed

My name is Hannah Thompson. I recently graduated from Elmhurst College with a B.A. in Communication. I am a motivational speaker encouraging people to do their impossible. I was born with Cerebral Palsy and that does not stop me from doing anything! I am changing the world one audience at a time!

URL: http://shelivesherdream.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📝


📡 Life as a Cerebral Palsy student RSS feed

Hi! My name is Chloe Tear, I am 19 years old and I'm a university student studying Psychology and Child Development. I have mild cerebral palsy which affects the left side of my body as a result of being born 8 weeks early and weighing 3lb 3oz, as well as epilepsy, chronic pain and impaired vision. During this blog, I will talk about what it's like being a student who may face a few more hurdles than most. I hope you&

URL: http://cpstudentblog.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📝


📡 Living with Cerebral Palsy RSS feed

Hello! My name is Evie, I am sixteen years old and I have Spastic Cerebral Palsy. I am writing this blog to raise awareness about Cerebral Palsy and Epilepsy and discuss topics which often just aren't talked about

URL: http://livingwithcerebralpalsyevie.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📝


📡 Love That Max RSS feed

Love That Max is a blog by Ellen Seidman, Max's mom, who writes about her life raising her son with cerebral palsy, as well as many other things.

URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/ToTheMax 📝


📡 Mum Making Lemonade RSS feed

A blog about my amazing daughter, Elin who is living with Cerebral Palsy and making Lemonade every day!

URL: https://mummakinglemonade.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss 📝


📡 MyCerebralPalsyChild.org RSS feed

MyCerebralPalsyChild.org is a web-based help center where parents can learn more about cerebral palsy - its history, causes, symptoms, treatments, and the future of cerebral palsy research. Here you can learn about how cerebral palsy impacts the everyday lives of everyone - from babies, children, and adults, to the people in their lives dedicated to helping them deal with the challenges of everyday life.

URL: https://www.mycerebralpalsychild.org/feed/ 📝


📡 The CP Diary RSS feed

The CP Diary is a blog by someone with Cerebral Palsy, covering Health and Wellbeing, Diet and Nutrition, Alternative Therapies, Exercise and more.

URL: https://www.thecpdiary.com/feed 📝


📡 United Cerebral Palsy of Greater Cleveland RSS feed

The mission of UCP of Greater Cleveland is to empower children and adults with disabilities to advance their independence, productivity and inclusion in the community.

URL: https://www.ucpcleveland.org/feed/ 📝


📡 View From a Walking Frame RSS feed

A blog about an average girl who just happens to have Cerebral Palsy

URL: https://viewfromawalkingframe.co.uk/feed/ 📝


📡 World CP Day RSS feed

World Cerebral Palsy Day is a movement of people with cerebral palsy and their families, and the organisations that support them, in more than 60 countries. Our vision is to ensure that children and adults with cerebral palsy (CP) have the same rights, access and opportunities as anyone else in our society.

URL: https://worldcpday.org/feed/ 📝


📡 Zachary Fenell- the Cerebral Palsy Vigilante RSS feed

Online home for Zachary Fenell, author, public speaker, and all around cerebral palsy advocate!

URL: https://zacharyfenell.com/feed/ 📝


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