59 Customer Experience RSS feeds
RSS (RDF Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) is a web feed that allows users and applications to access updates to websites in a standardized, computer-readable format. Subscribing to RSS feeds can allow a user to keep track of many different websites in a single news aggregator, which constantly monitor sites for new content, removing the need for the user to manually check them. RSS feeds can be easily imported as posts or pages using multi-source content curation and autoblogging plugins for WordPress such as CyberSEO Pro, or RSS feed aggregators like RSS Retriever and others.
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📡 1to1 Media RSS feed
1to1 Media's editorial and guest blogs from industry influencers bring thought leadership on the latest trends in customer experience, customer service, marketing, sales, and employee engagement.
URL: https://www.1to1media.com/feed
📡 360 Connext - Jeannie Walters RSS feed
Jeannie Walters is the founder of 360Connext, a Chicago-based consulting firm specializing in the cornerstones of customer experience: customer engagement, employee engagement and connections like social media. Walters specializes in helping companies achieve more loyalty from employees, customers and prospects through improved experiences at every level.
URL: https://experienceinvestigators.com/feed/
📡 Adrian Swinscoe Blog RSS feed
Adrian Swinscoe brings over 16 years experience to focusing on helping companies large and small develop and implement customer focused, sustainable growth strategies. He is a huge fan of organisations that do great things for their customers and their employees and also a helper to many wanting to achieve their own level of greatness.
URL: https://www.adrianswinscoe.com/feed/
📡 Ameyo Callversations RSS feed
customer experience Ameyo Callversations blog covers day to day challenges of Customer Experience and contact center professionals.
URL: https://www.ameyo.com/blog/feed/
📡 Ann Michaels & Assoc - Inside the Customer Experience RSS feed
Marianne Hynd is the Vice President of Operations at Ann Michaels & Associates, a customer experience measurement firm. The company specializes in mystery shopping, customer feedback, and interactive engagement kiosk programs.
URL: https://www.blog.annmichaelsltd.com/feed/
📡 Astute | Astute Customer Engagement Blog RSS feed
We create intelligent software solutions to help the world's best brands enhance engagement with their customer communities by contextually blending human and artificial intelligence.
URL: https://astutesolutions.com/feed
📡 Authenticinsight Blog - Jana Sedivy RSS feed
Jana Sedivy is Founder and Principal of Authentic Insight, an award winning consulting practice specializing in Voice of Customer research and strategy for B2B tech companies. She is a recognized expert in Customer Experience research.
URL: https://authenticinsight.com/blog/feed/
📡 Beyond Philosophy Blog RSS feed
Beyond Philosophy is the global leader in Customer Experience and is called upon by the world's largest organizations to take their CX to the next level.
URL: https://beyondphilosophy.com/blog/feed/
📡 Blake Morgan | Youtube RSS feed
This channel features content on customer experience and includes regularly updated educational content. Blake Morgan is a customer experience adviser that has worked with Intel, Verizon Wireless, Verizon, Newmark Knight Frank Retail, One Medical, Misfit Wearables (Shine), Pega Systems, Clarabridge, Zendesk, Sparkcentral, Sukhis Indian Food, Curry Up Now and more.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCY7iiUUPdNC1Pq9Lv3eg1kQ
📡 Buyer Persona Blog Tony Zambito RSS feed
Tony Zambito is the founder and leading authority in buyer personas for B2B Marketing. In 2002, Tony established the first buyer persona development methodology designed specifically for B2B Marketing and Sales. This innovation has helped leading companies gain a deeper understanding of their buyers resulting in improved lead generation and revenue performance.
URL: https://tonyzambito.com/category/buyer-persona-blog/feed/
📡 C3Centricity RSS feed
The Art and Science of Adopting a Customer First Strategy. Helping organisations to Grow more Profitably through improved Business Focus, based upon Deep Customer Understanding & Engagement.
URL: https://c3centricity.com/feed/
📡 CallMiner Blog RSS feed
The CallMiner blog covers various topics including industry news, call center quality monitoring, best practices and customer experience management.
URL: https://callminer.com/blog/feed/
📡 Champs.AI | Better customer support and success RSS feed
Get articles on how to better customer support and success.
URL: https://champs.ai/feed/
📡 Curiosity - Dave Fish RSS feed
Dave is the founder of CuriosityCX and is SVP for ORC International. Formerly he was the VP of Behavioral Sciences for The Mars Agency. He has 20 years of applied experience in understanding consumer behavior and consulting with Global 50 companies.
URL: https://curiositycx.com/feed/
📡 Customer Alignment - Latest CX Blogs RSS feed
Customer experience blog and customer experience best practice. Thoughts, news and support on customer experience success, customer experience improvement, voice of customer, customer experience measurement, customer experience design and customer experience strategy. See what it's like to be more customer centric
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/LatestCxBlogs-CustomerAlignment
📡 Customer Experience Matrix RSS feed
This is the blog of David M. Raab, long-time marketing technology consultant and analyst. Mr. Raab is Principal at Raab Associates Inc. The blog is named for the Customer Experience Matrix, a tool to visualize marketing and operational interactions between a company and its customers.
URL: http://customerexperiencematrix.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Customer Experience Professionals Association | Youtube RSS feed
The Customer Experience Professionals Association (CXPA) is a global non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of customer experience management practices.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?user=cxpassoc
📡 Customer Experience Strategy Blog - Michel Falcon RSS feed
Michel Falcon's Customer Experience Strategy blog covering the most actionable topics that will help your business deliver exceptional experiences.
URL: https://www.michelfalcon.com/feed/
📡 Customer Journey Marketer Blog RSS feed
A blog about leveraging the art and science of digital marketing and knowledge of the customer journey, turning anonymous visitors into brand advocates.
URL: http://customerjourneymarketer.com/feed/
📡 CX Accelerator RSS feed
CX Accelerator provides fuel to rising Customer Experience champions through a virtual community and unique resources.
URL: https://www.cxaccelerator.com/blog-feed.xml
📡 CX Journey Blog RSS feed
A blog about customer experience, employee experience, customer service, voice of the customer, and leadership.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/CXJourney
📡 CX Lab RSS feed
CX Lab are a leading customer experience consultancy using evidence, data and science to improve your customer experience.
URL: https://www.cxlab.co.uk/feed/
📡 CXM - Customer Experience Magazine RSS feed
Customer Experience Magazine is the online magazine packed full of industry news, blogs, features, reports, case studies, video bites and international stories all focusing on customer experience.
URL: https://cxm.co.uk/feed/
📡 cxservice360 RSS feed
CXService360 is a knowledge sharing website focused on customer service & experience. It was created with the vision of making this knowledge easily accessible for businesses, customer service professionals and anyone who loves learn the art of service
URL: https://www.cxservice360.com/feed/
📡 Dennis Snow Blog RSS feed
My company, Snow & Associates, Inc., is dedicated to helping organizations create 'walk-through-fire' customer loyalty. Using what I learned during a 20-year career with Walt Disney World, including leading a division of the world-famous Disney Institute, I've assisted organizations around the world improve their customer service.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/DennisSnowRssFeed
📡 Doing CX Right RSS feed
Stacy Sherman writes & speaks about humanizing business & creating loyal customers fueled by happy engaged employees. Learn about DoingCXRight. This blog informs how to humanize business & lead with a heart. Read articles & apply best practices to differentiate your brand.
URL: https://doingcxright.com/feed/
📡 Eglobalis RSS feed
We strategize and transform your organization, helping to develop your enterprise culture and strategies, your people, your customer experience, your service offerings excellence, and your product catalogs. The end goal is customer success and revenue generation. It's a co-created process the entire way.
URL: https://www.eglobalis.com/feed/
📡 eTouchPoint Blog - RSS feed
Chip James is President of eTouchPoint, a pioneering customer experience (CX) technology provider that has provided solutions to Fortune 500 leaders for 15 years. A CX industry veteran, Chip has been a leading CX advocate through speaking engagements and development of industry best practices.
URL: https://www.etouchpoint.com/feed/
📡 Execs In The Know RSS feed
Advocates of the customer experience industry, connecting people through knowledge sharing, in a worldwide community of over 50,000 service professionals.
URL: https://execsintheknow.com/feed/
📡 Futurelab RSS feed
We help our clients profitably manage and improve their customer's experience, develop compelling new value propositions, and organize their business and culture in a customer-centric way. Follow the blog to know more about us.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Futurelab
📡 Heart of the Customer | Customer Experience Articles & Blog RSS feed
Customer experience articles covering customer-focused change management, customer journey mapping, & building a CX vision by Jim Tincher and team.
URL: https://heartofthecustomer.com/cx-blog/feed
📡 I J Golding Blog RSS feed
Ian Golding is a customer experience specialist. Keep up to date with Ian Golding's latest news, articles and leadership thoughts as a customer experience consultant.
URL: https://ijgolding.com/feed/
📡 Infolink-Exp | Customer Experience Management Blog RSS feed
Infolink provides customer experience management services and consulting with an emphasis on customer support outsourcing, software and CX design.
URL: https://infolink-exp.com/feed/
📡 Innovative CX Solutions RSS feed
Innovative CX is here to help you innovate your customer experience with a plan to set your business up for sucess.
URL: https://www.innovativecx.com/blog?format=rss
📡 Jeanne Bliss Blog RSS feed
Content, tools, tips, advice, and best practices to help you improve the customer experience and grow into a prosperous and beloved company.
URL: http://www.customerbliss.com/blog/feed/
📡 Joseph Michelli RSS feed
Joseph A. Michelli, Ph.D. is an international speaker, and chief experience officer at The Michelli Experience. A New York Times #1 bestselling author, Dr. Michelli and his team consult with some of the world's best customer experience companies
URL: http://www.josephmichelli.com/blog/feed/
📡 Kerry Bodine Blog RSS feed
Kerry Bodine & Co. is a customer experience consultancy with a passion for human-centered design.
URL: http://kerrybodine.com/blog/feed/
📡 LEXDEN | Customer Experience Consultants RSS feed
LEXDEN blog is about Helping Clients to Profit from Customer Experience.
URL: https://lexdengroup.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Lightico Blog RSS feed
Lightico is the ultimate customer experience software platform. Your customers are on the their mobile phones, you need new ways to sell and service them. The best blog to learn about the latest in CX for insurance, Fiserv, Teleco, and call centers form any industry. Tips to boost call center KPIs, NPS, ACW.
URL: https://www.lightico.com/feed/
📡 LitmusWorld RSS feed
LitmusWorld, an enterprise SaaS business, implements a platform to help large enterprises deliver contextual conversations that enable dramatic improvements in stakeholder experience. The platform is quick to setup, simple for stakeholders to respond and delivers actionable insights across touchpoints, all in real-time. Read this blog which is your single source of delightful stories on customer & employee experience and the latest insights from industry leaders.
URL: https://www.litmusworld.com/feed/
📡 Lumoa blog | Lumoa Customer Experience Management RSS feed
Lumoa empowers companies to identify and solve customer problems faster and easier than anything you have seen before. Learn about the latest trends of Customer Experience. Find out how the Net Promoter Score can help your business to grow. Check the best advice and tips from the experts on measuring and improving customer experience and building customer-centric culture in your company.
URL: https://lumoa.me/feed
📡 NGDATA - Customer Experience Management Blog RSS feed
Get insights & up-to-date information on how big data and customer experience management is shaping how we do business today. NGDATA's Lily Enterprise captures data across all channels, provides enterprises with real-time insights and drives omni-channel customer experiences.
URL: https://www.ngdata.com/feed/
📡 PeopleMetrics - Customer Experience Blog RSS feed
PeopleMetrics is a customer experience management (CEM) company that helps improve the entire customer journey from their time as a prospect through their lifetime as a customer.
URL: https://www.peoplemetrics.com/blog/rss.xml
📡 Qmatic Blog RSS feed
Qmatic Group is the global leader in customer journey technology solutions and insights. They help organizations seamlessly integrate online and onsite touch points.
URL: https://lp.qmatic.com/blog/rss.xml
📡 Rate My Service RSS feed
We help companies to deliver great experiences to their customers. Build loyalty, reduce churn. Read writing from Rate My Service on Medium.
URL: https://medium.com/feed/@RateMyService
📡 Smith Co - Blog RSS feed
Smith co help you to create a customer experience that is consistent, differentiated, builds loyalty and turns customers into advocates. They work with people who manage brands, both large and small, across a range of sectors, worldwide.
URL: https://www.smithcoconsultancy.com/feed/
📡 Steve Curtin Blog RSS feed
Steve is a customer enthusiast with 20 years of experience between hotel operations, sales, marketing, training and development, and customer service roles, and worked for Marriot International. His blog provides insights into the customer experience and how to maximize interactions in today's digital world.
URL: https://www.stevecurtin.com/blog/feed/
📡 Steve Whittington RSS feed
Enhance your Learning Journey. Take a Deeper Dive into Customer Experience, Leadership and Emerging Marketing Trends
URL: https://www.stevewhittington.com/feed/
📡 Steve Whittington | Customer Experience Blog RSS feed
A data-driven leader creating value through a 360 organization view and an end to end focus on the customer.
URL: https://www.stevewhittington.com/exclusive-content/cx-edge-blog/feed/
📡 Steven Van Belleghem RSS feed
Steven believes in a bright future where companies play the long-term game with their customers. His passion is spreading ideas about the future of customer experience. Steven believes in the combination of common sense, new technologies, an empathic human touch, playing the long-term game, and taking your social responsibility to win the hearts and business of customers over and over again.
URL: https://www.stevenvanbelleghem.com/blog/feed/
📡 SugarCRM - Get your daily dose of Sugar RSS feed
SugarCRM enables businesses to create extraordinary customer relationships with the most innovative and affordable CRM solution in the market.
URL: https://www.sugarcrm.com/blog/feed/
📡 Tatvam RSS feed
Any company that puts a focus on the customer experience and measuring the voice of the customer, will see an incredible value from utilizing Tatvam for Customer Feedback Analysis. Tatvam enables you to aggregate your social media mentions, online reviews, survey responses, email support logs, and more!
URL: https://tatvaminsights.com/feed/
📡 The CXApp | Customer Experience Blog RSS feed
The CXApp is your source for new features, trends, and thought leadership across events, executive briefings, communities and the customer experience journey.
URL: https://info.thecxapp.com/blog/rss.xml
📡 The Daniel Group RSS feed
The Daniel Group provides a range of consulting and research services designed to help companies improve customer service. Our work is primarily with business-to-business companies.
URL: https://thedanielgroup.com/feed/
📡 Usersnap Blog RSS feed
Keep up with the latest trends on user-driven web development and customer centric strategies for product management. Exclusive interviews with SaaS through leaders published regularly.
URL: https://usersnap.com/blog/feed/
📡 Vignette | The Employee Experience Agency™ RSS feed
The Employee Experience Agency that activates employees through powerful employer brand engagement; making you the employer of choice. Insights to creating what you imagine as a meaningful employee experience.
URL: https://vignetteagency.com/feed/
📡 Waypoint Group's B2B Customer Experience Blog RSS feed
Waypoint Group is a collaborative, seasoned consultancy in the Bay Area that thrives on partnership. We help B2B teams act on customer feedback and increase the rate of profitable sales growth by linking insights to financials.
URL: https://waypointgroup.org/feed/
📡 Worthix Blog RSS feed
Keep up with articles from Worthix Blog.
URL: https://blog.worthix.com/feed/
📡 Zonka Feedback RSS feed
Zonka Feedback is an omnichannel survey app enabling you to use CX metrics like Net Promoter Score (NPS Surveys), CES & CSAT to gather actionable feedback. Learn about Customer Feedback, Employee Feedback, Feedback Management Software, Net Promoter Score, Customer Satisfaction, taking feedback on Android Tablets, iPads, Online and Email & SMS.
URL: https://www.zonkafeedback.com/blog/rss.xml