64 Economics RSS feeds
RSS (RDF Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) is a web feed that allows users and applications to access updates to websites in a standardized, computer-readable format. Subscribing to RSS feeds can allow a user to keep track of many different websites in a single news aggregator, which constantly monitor sites for new content, removing the need for the user to manually check them. RSS feeds can be easily imported as posts or pages using multi-source content curation and autoblogging plugins for WordPress such as CyberSEO Pro, or RSS feed aggregators like RSS Retriever and others.
📡 A Dash of Insight RSS feed
Blog by Jeff Miller. Investment manager, blogger on economy and finance, here you will find an ecletic approach to better trading and investment. This approach is coupled with an instinctive and detailed analysis of market and economic trends.
URL: https://www.dashofinsight.com/feed/
📡 American Institute for Economic Research RSS feed
Articles on daily economy, business conditions, authoritarianism, government, fiscal policy, economic history, financial markets, regulation and more. Founded in 1933, AIER is dedicated to developing and promoting the ideas of pure freedom and private governance by combining advanced economic research with accessible media outreach and educational programming to cultivate a better, broader understanding of the fundamental principles that enable peace and prosperity around the world.
URL: https://www.aier.org/feed/
📡 An Economic View of the Environment RSS feed
An Economic View of The Environment is a blog by Robert Stavins, who is a professor at Harvard University and is the Director of the Harvard Environmental Economics Program. His posts paint a comprehensive view of global environmental issues from an economic standpoint.
URL: http://www.robertstavinsblog.org/feed/
📡 Antonio Fatas on the Global Economy RSS feed
Antonio Fatas is a Professor of Economics at INSEAD, an international business school with campuses in Singapore, France and Abu Dhabi. Antonio highlights important economic data coming out central banks and analyzes the implications for us in a way that is readable by economists and non-economists.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/antoniofatas
📡 Arcadia Economics RSS feed
The truth behind Wall Street, what's coming next, and how to thrive while we watch the dollar die!
URL: https://www.specificfeeds.com/arcadiaeconomics
📡 Biased Economist RSS feed
Yet another economics blog! Follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.
URL: https://biasedeconomist.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Bill Mitchell's Blog RSS feed
Bill Mitchell is a Professor of Economics and Director of the Centre of Full Employment and Equity (CofFEE), at the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia. His blog is about Modern Monetary Theory with importance to macroeconomic reality.
URL: http://bilbo.economicoutlook.net/blog/?feed=rss2
📡 Bradley A. Hansen's Blog RSS feed
Bradley Hansen is a Professor of Economics at the University of Mary Washington. He supplies commentary on economics, history, law amongst other things that interest him. His posts on economic history are particularly fascinating to read.
URL: http://bradleyahansen.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Calculated Risk RSS feed
Calculated Risk is a well known financial blog maintained by Bill McBride since January of 2005. While its coverage of individual stocks is limited, the financial blog is widely followed for its economic commentary. Traders often use the stories to formulate opinions about macroeconomic events such as housing data or employment statistics and how they will affect major indices.
URL: http://www.calculatedriskblog.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Cheap Talk RSS feed
Blog by two professors at Northwestern University, Jeff Ely and Sandeep Baliga, this blog mostly discusses economic and political issues and other interests of the writers.
URL: https://cheaptalk.org/feed/
📡 Chris Blattman RSS feed
Chris Blattman is an Associate Professor at Columbia University. Through his blog, Chris explores statistics and cultural trends to examine poverty and political participation. His weekly links capture some of the best content on the web.
URL: https://chrisblattman.com/feed/
📡 Conversable Economist RSS feed
Conversable Economist is an economics blog by Timothy Taylor, who is the author of several economics books. Timothy goes deep into details about a range of topics, backing his arguments up with statistics and data. He has also written Journal of Economic Perspectives.
URL: https://conversableeconomist.wpcomstaging.com/feed/
📡 Credit Writedowns Pro RSS feed
Credit Writedowns is a news and opinion site dedicated to bringing a well-informed view of finance, economics, markets, and foreign policy into the mainstream consciousness. Edward Harrison is the founder of the finance news and forecasting site Credit Writedowns.
URL: https://creditwritedowns.com/feed
📡 Dave Giles' Blog RSS feed
This informative blog by Dave Giles, a Professor of Economics at the University of Victoria.This blog has a strong econometrics focus.
URL: http://davegiles.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 David O'Rear's East Asia Politics & Economics Blog RSS feed
Occasional comments on the contemporary and historical.
URL: https://eastasiapoliticseconomics.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Donald Marron RSS feed
Donald Marron, Director of Economic Policy Initiatives at the Urban Institute, shares his thoughts on Economics and finance in his personal blog. It gives us a very clear take on current economic and policy issues.
URL: https://dmarron.com/feed/
📡 Econbrowser RSS feed
EconBrowser is a blog that provides an analysis of current economic data, issues and macroeconomic policy. It is written by Professor James Hamilton (University of California, San Diego) and Professor Menzie Chinn (University of Wisconsin, Madison).
URL: http://econbrowser.com/feed
📡 Econlib RSS feed
Covers articles on behavioral economics, moral reasoning, free markets, finance, public health, business economics, productivity, economic education and more. The Library of Economics and Liberty is dedicated to advancing the study of economics, markets, and liberty. It offers a unique combination of resources for students, teachers, researchers, and aficionados of economic thought.
URL: https://www.econlib.org/feed/main
📡 Economics One RSS feed
Professor John Taylor (Stanford University) blogs at Economics One, a blog suited fr more experienced economists. Here, he analyzes and gives astute commentary on mostly current macroeconomic issues.
URL: https://economicsone.com/feed/
📡 Financial Times - Global Economy RSS feed
Get the latest news on global economics. The Financial Times (FT) is one of the world's leading news organisations, recognised internationally for its authority, integrity and accuracy.
URL: https://www.ft.com/stream/sectionsId/MTA3-U2VjdGlvbnM=?format=rss
📡 FiveThirtyEight - Economics RSS feed
Latest updates and news on economics. FiveThirtyEight maintains the innovative and entrepreneurial spirit of the original site Nate Silver founded in 2008, while extending its coverage to diverse areas such as sports, politics, economics, science and life.
URL: https://fivethirtyeight.com/economics/feed/
📡 Focus Economics RSS feed
FocusEconomics is a leading provider of economic analysis and forecasts for 131 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and the Americas and price forecasts for 34 key commodities. Follow to get thousands of economic indicators, including historical data, current economic statistics, and economic forecasts.
URL: https://www.focus-economics.com/rss.xml
📡 Freakonomics RSS feed
An economist and a journalist join forces to make the often daunting topic of economics easily understood and digested by general audiences. Its a fun and informative exploration of how the subjects basic principles drive the minutiae of day-to-day existence.
URL: https://freakonomics.com/feed/
📡 GnS Economics RSS feed
Tuomas Malinen, PhD (econ). is CEO and the Chief Economist of GnS Economics. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Economics at the University of Helsinki. He has studied economics at the University of Helsinki and at New York University. GnS Economics is an independent, Helsinki-based macroeconomic consultancy specialized in forecasting and analyzing the risks of the world economy and the financial markets. GnS Economics is experienced in econometric forecasting, economic modeling, economic growth and crises, financial markets, and business-to-business consulting and marketing.
URL: https://gnseconomics.com/en/feed/
📡 Healthcare Economist RSS feed
Jason's research interests include all issues related to healthcare policy and economics, value-based purchasing, the health insurance market, and Medicare policy research.
URL: https://www.healthcare-economist.com/feed/
INOMICS helps students and researchers in economics, business and social sciences find the best opportunities to reach their academic and professional goals.
URL: https://inomics.com/insights-rss
📡 John Quiggin RSS feed
John Quiggin's blog focuses on Australian economics and politics. He delivers an interesting perspective on current events in Australia. He also hosts a weekly 'sandpit' forum style discussion.
URL: https://johnquiggin.com/feed/
📡 Keith Hennessey RSS feed
Hi, I'm Keith Hennessey. I work as a Lecturer at Stanford University's Graduate School of Business, teaching American economic policy to MBA students. This blog is aimed at students of American economic policy.
URL: http://keithhennessey.com/feed/
📡 Knowledge Problem RSS feed
Commentary on Economics, Information and Human Action. Knowledge Problem was created by Professors Lynne Kiesling (Northwestern University) and Michael Giberson (Texas Tech University). They explore topics and breakdown current news related to anti-trust and energy economics.
URL: https://knowledgeproblem.com/feed/
📡 Lars P Syll RSS feed
Lars Plsson Syll received a Ph.D. in economic history in 1991 and a Ph.D. in economics in 1997, both at Lund University. He became an associate professor in economic history in 1995 and has since 2004 been a professor of social science at Malm University. His primary research areas have been in the philosophy, history, and methodology of economics.
URL: https://larspsyll.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Lectures to Simplify Economics RSS feed
Intelligent Economics is a blog created by me, who is a former business management student, to lecture about economics concepts and theories. The main goal of this blog is to make education easily accesible and freely available even for the people who are non-economists.
URL: https://intelligenteconomics.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Long and Variable RSS feed
Long and Variable is a blog on macroeconomics and public policy. Authored by Professor Tony Yates (University of Birmingham), this blog is quite detailed and knowledgeable about global monetary policy.
URL: https://longandvariable.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Macro and Other Market Musings RSS feed
Blog by David Beckworth, an associate Professor of Economics at Western Kentucky University, has recently launched an awesome podcast that features well-known economists, many of whom are featured on this list. David's blog highlights is a great place to start to learn about specific economic events.
URL: http://macromarketmusings.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Mainly Macro RSS feed
Comments on macroeconomic issues. Simon Wren-Lewis is Emeritus Professor of Economics and Fellow of Merton College, University of Oxford. His excellent writing style and explanation appeals to economists and non-economists.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/MainlyMacro
📡 Managerial Econ RSS feed
The Managerial Economics blog primarily focuses on how economics can be used by business managers to make effective strategic decisions. Entries often apply economic reasoning to items in the news related to business decisions. It is written by four business school professors who have averaged 2-3 posts per week for about a decade.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/ManagerialEcon
📡 Mike Norman Economics RSS feed
An economics, investment, trading and policy blog with a focus on Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). We seek the truth, avoid the mainstream and are virulently anti-neoliberalism.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/blogspot/ZHYAG
📡 Mises Institute RSS feed
Covers articles on topics such as anti-politics, big government, capitalism, democracy, economic freedom and policy, education, financial markets, global economy, inflation and more. The Mises Institute exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian school of economics, and individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard.
URL: https://mises.org/dailyarticles.xml
📡 Mostly Economics RSS feed
Mostly Economics is an India focussed economics research blog run by Amol Agrawal. He covers a wide range of economic topics while frequently updating his audience on the Indian economy.
URL: https://mostlyeconomics.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Multiplier Effect RSS feed
Multiplier Effect is the blog of The Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, an economics research organization. The posts focus on economic policy in the United States and the rest of the world, prompting a reasoned discussion on current issues.
URL: https://multiplier-effect.org/feed/
📡 Naked Capitalism RSS feed
Fearless commentary on finance, economics, politics and power. Also covers topics such as banking industry, credit markets, economic fundamentals, macroeconomic policy income disparity, social policy and values, free markets and their discontents, banana republic and more. Created by Yves Smith, Naked Capitalism is an American financial news and analysis blog that chronicles the large scale, concerted campaign to reduce the bargaining power and pay of ordinary workers relative to investors and elite technocrats.
URL: http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/feed
📡 New Economic Perspectives RSS feed
We offer policy advice and economic analysis from a group of professional economists, legal scholars, and financial market practitioners. Dedicated to modern money theory (MMT) and policies to promote financial stability and the attainment of full employment.
URL: http://neweconomicperspectives.org/feed
📡 New Economics Foundation RSS feed
The New Economics Foundation works with people igniting change from below and combines this with rigorous research to fight for change at the top. NEF aims to create a new economy that works for people and within environmental limits.
URL: https://neweconomics.org/feed.rss
📡 Notayesmanseconomics's Blog RSS feed
Blog by Shaun Richards. I am an independent economist who studied at the London School of Economics. My speciality is monetary economics and I analyse current economic trends.
URL: https://notayesmanseconomics.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Offsetting Behaviour RSS feed
This New Zealand based economics blog was created by two economists, Eric Crampton and Seamus Hogan. They explore a range of fascinating topics from sports economics to housing and much more. Sharp and easy to follow analysis.
URL: http://offsettingbehaviour.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
📡 Real-World Economics Review Blog RSS feed
Posts are by authors of papers published in the RWER.
URL: https://rwer.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Robert Reich RSS feed
Robert Reich is the former secretary of labor for the Clinton administration. He's currently Chancellor's Professor of Public Policy at the U.C. at Berkeley. His blogging style is thought-provoking, direct and understandable.
URL: https://robertreich.org/rss
📡 Roger Farmer's Economic Window RSS feed
Roger Farmer is a Research Director at NIESR, London, and Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick in the UK. He is also a Distinguished Professor of Economics at UCLA and considers his views as a 'blend of Keynesian and classical ideas.' The topics in his blog cover macroeconomic issues such as Federal Reserve policy.
URL: https://www.rogerfarmer.com/rogerfarmerblog?format=RSS
📡 The Academic Health Economists' Blog RSS feed
The Academic Health Economists' Blog exists to provide an online presence for the discussion of issues and developments in health economics. A place where people can present their views, opinions, ideas, and takes on current affairs from the perspective of health economics. The site has a simple aim is to promote healthy debate in the field, with a sharing of ideas.
URL: https://aheblog.com/feed/
📡 The Big Picture RSS feed
Articles on active management, asset allocation, bailouts, data analyses, credit, currency, inflation, employment , economy, digital media and more. The Big Picture is written by Barry L. Ritholtz. He is co-founder, chairman, and chief investment officer of Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC. His career focus has been on how the intersection of behavioral economics and data affects investors.
URL: https://ritholtz.com/feed/
📡 The Brick Wall Economic Theory RSS feed
A blog about basic economic theory by Marco Ackermann
URL: https://brickwalltheory.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 The Demand Side RSS feed
Written by Edward Brown, an economist in Washington, D.C., The Demand Side channels the diverse academic and professional experiences of the author. Edward has policy experience working for both conservative and liberal organizations, serving as an associate at the American Enterprise Institute, researcher in President Obama's Council of Economic Advisers, and economist in various governmental agencies.
URL: https://www.thedemandside.com/blog-feed.xml
📡 The Diplomat - Economy RSS feed
This section features articles that have to do exclusively with the economy sector. Launched in 2002, The Diplomat is dedicated to quality analysis and commentary on events occurring in Asia and around the world. The Diplomat provides expert coverage on geo-political trends throughout the Asia-Pacific, defense and intelligence, environment, human security and development, arts, social trends and popular culture.
URL: https://thediplomat.com/topics/economy/feed/
📡 The Economic Populist RSS feed
The Economic Populist is an economic opinion and analysis site. We give voice to the little guy and are heavily focused on statistics, sources and graphs. Economic Populist is an Economics, Business, Finance and Labor blog focused on the United States and Middle Class.
URL: https://www.economicpopulist.org/epfeed
📡 The Economic Transcript RSS feed
The Economic Transcript covers articles on topics in the fields of economics, finance, politics, business, technology, and the environment. The Economic Transcript is platform for a community of writers and editors from across the globe, to express their views on all worldly affairs.
URL: https://tetofficial.com/feed/
📡 The Enlightened Economist Blog RSS feed
Diane Coyle writes about banks, behavioural capitalism, financial crisis, financial markets, GDP, globalisation, inequality and political economy. Diane is a Bennett Professor of Public Policy at the University of Cambridge and founded the consultancy Enlightenment Economics.
URL: http://www.enlightenmenteconomics.com/blog/index.php/feed/
📡 The Everyday Economist RSS feed
The Everyday Economist is a blog written by Josh Hendrickson, an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Mississippi. Josh's flair for simple and readable writing on current economics issues makes this one of the best economics blogs for beginners.
URL: https://everydayecon.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 The Incidental Economist RSS feed
With the strength of over half a dozen regular contributors, who are professors and researchers, The Incidental Economist is one of the most formidable health economics blogs. They blog about the U.S. health care system, how it works and how it could be improved.
URL: http://theincidentaleconomist.com/wordpress/feed/
📡 The Money Illusion RSS feed
The Money Illusion is a highly regarded economics blog by Scott Sumner, who teaches at Bentley University. Through his blog, he popularized the idea of targeting the Nominal GDP, an idea which was later endorsed by the Federal Reserve.
URL: http://www.themoneyillusion.com/?feed=rss2
📡 The Slack Wire RSS feed
Josh Mason, an Assistant Professor of Economics at City University of New York, blogs at The Slack Wire. This economics blog primarily revolves around macroeconomics issues and economic history, which Josh captures extremely well. He does an excellent job of analyzing economic news.
URL: http://jwmason.org/the-slack-wire/feed/
📡 The Sports Economist RSS feed
The Sports Economist is produced by a group of scholars who apply economic thinking to sports. TSE provides commentary and links to issues in the news, along with an occasional essay.
URL: https://thesportseconomist.com/feed/
📡 TheBooMoney RSS feed
TheBooMoney will guide you step by step into the world of economics and its various fields. In this way, we will make economics a living reality and an enjoyable practical experience.
URL: https://theboomoney.com/feed/
📡 Tim Harford RSS feed
Articles cover cautionary tales, marginalia, speeches, economics and other writing. Tim is an economist, journalist and broadcaster. He is author of 'Messy' and the million-selling The Undercover Economist, a senior columnist at the Financial Times, and the presenter of Radio 4's 'More or Less'. Tim has spoken at TED, PopTech and the Sydney Opera House and is a visiting fellow of Nuffield College, Oxford.
URL: https://timharford.com/feed/
📡 Truth on the Market RSS feed
Truth on the Market offers commentary on law, business, economics and more. We hope you find some of our posts insightful, thought-provoking, or at least mildly interesting. This blog was formed by a group of law professors and economists.
URL: https://truthonthemarket.com/feed/
📡 Uneasy Money RSS feed
David Glanser is an economist in the Washington DC area. His research and writing have been mostly on monetary economics and policy and the history of economics. Uneasy Money is a blog about monetary policy, which means it is also about monetary theory and macroeconomics.
URL: https://uneasymoney.com/feed/