8 Fair Trade RSS feeds

RSS (RDF Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) is a web feed that allows users and applications to access updates to websites in a standardized, computer-readable format. Subscribing to RSS feeds can allow a user to keep track of many different websites in a single news aggregator, which constantly monitor sites for new content, removing the need for the user to manually check them. RSS feeds can be easily imported as posts or pages using multi-source content curation and autoblogging plugins for WordPress such as CyberSEO Pro, or RSS feed aggregators like RSS Retriever and others.

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πŸ“‘ Fair Trade Campaigns Blog RSS feed

Fair Trade Campaigns is a powerful grassroots movement mobilizing Fair Trade consumers and advocates across the US to increase the availability of Fair Trade products. Here we provide tools, resources and support events to launch and grow local Fair Trade Campaigns in your town, university, school or congregation.

URL: https://fairtradecampaigns.org/news/feed/ πŸ“


πŸ“‘ Fair Trade Judaica (FTJ) Blog RSS feed

Fair Trade Judaica promotes fair trade as a Jewish value through educating the Jewish community, and expanding the production, distribution, and sale of fair trade Judaica products. Here you will find stories from people who have felt the personal impact of adding fair trade to their Jewish lives. Follow this blog to learn more about Judaism and Fair Trade.

URL: http://fairtradejudaica.org/blog/feed/ πŸ“


πŸ“‘ Fair Trade Winds Blog RSS feed

Fair Trade Winds is a family-run business committed to increasing social responsibility through fair trade. Follow this blog for inspiring artisan stories, fair trade recipes, product spotlights & fair trade news.

URL: https://www.fairtradewinds.net/feed/ πŸ“


πŸ“‘ Fair World Project Blog RSS feed

The Fair World Project promotes organic and fair trade practices. Through consumer education and advocacy, FWP supports dedicated fair trade producers and brands, and insists on integrity in use of the term fair trade in certification, labeling and marketing. Here you'll find educational resources and workshops for consumers, retailers, and brands, collaborating with other organizations with similar values.

URL: https://fairworldproject.org/feed/ πŸ“


πŸ“‘ Fairtrade ANZ's Blog RSS feed

Fairtrade Australia & New Zealand works directly with businesses, consumers and campaigners to make trade fair by securing a better deal for farmers and workers. Follow this blog to find the latest news and updates from Fairtrade Australia.

URL: https://fairtradeanz.org/feed πŸ“


πŸ“‘ Fairtrade Foundation Blog (UK) RSS feed

The Fairtrade Foundation is the UK-based organisation behind the FAIRTRADE Mark. We work with businesses, community groups and individuals to improve the trading position of producer organisations in developing countries and to deliver sustainable livelihoods for farmers, workers and their communities. Follow this blog to keep in touch for the latest news and updates from the Fairtrade Foundation.

URL: https://www.fairtrade.org.uk/feed/ πŸ“


πŸ“‘ Fairtrade Guernsey RSS feed

Since 2005, Fairtrade Guernsey has called on our local community to help bring about positive change for millions of farmers and workers in developing countries, asking shoppers and businesses to choose products that change lives and reminding everyone of the dramatic difference Fairtrade makes. Follow this blog for great tips, ideas and resources on Fairtrade.

URL: http://www.fairtradeguernsey.com/feed/ πŸ“


πŸ“‘ My Fair Baby | Fair Trade Blogs RSS feed

My Fair Baby is in the business sharing all our profits to benefit impoverished communities. We are a social enterprise that ethically sources quality fairtrade baby and kids' organic cotton clothes, sustainable wooden toys and accessories. We believe that every purchase can make a difference. Follow this blog for fair trade goodness, where to find fair trade markets, businesses, ethical shopping & sustainable living.

URL: https://www.myfairbaby.com.au/feed/ πŸ“


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