19 Metaphysical RSS feeds
RSS (RDF Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) is a web feed that allows users and applications to access updates to websites in a standardized, computer-readable format. Subscribing to RSS feeds can allow a user to keep track of many different websites in a single news aggregator, which constantly monitor sites for new content, removing the need for the user to manually check them. RSS feeds can be easily imported as posts or pages using multi-source content curation and autoblogging plugins for WordPress such as CyberSEO Pro, or RSS feed aggregators like RSS Retriever and others.
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📡 Crystals By Rob RSS feed
Covers articles about the metaphysical healing properties of crystals and gemstones.
URL: https://crystalsbyrob.online/feed/
📡 Dandelion Seed Daydreams RSS feed
Keep up with information on Metaphysics, Mind Potential,Energy Healing Healing Crystals and Spirituality.
URL: https://dseedaydreams.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 In5D Esoteric, Metaphysical, and Spiritual Database RSS feed
The hottest esoteric, metaphysical, and spiritual news on the net! In5d is one the internet's largest resources for articles and videos about spiritual awakening, meditation, indigo children and adults, starseeds, walk-ins, soul groups, why we are here, where we came from and where we are going.
URL: http://in5d.com/feed/
📡 Interesting Articles, Links and Other Media RSS feed
Mark Russell Bell's Blog
URL: https://www.metaphysicalarticles.org/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Journal of Metaphysics and Connected Consciousness RSS feed
The Journal of Metaphysics and Connected Consciousness provides original content from contributors in the fields of Metaphysics, Philosophy, Spirituality and Consciousness Studies.
URL: http://journalofmcc.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Metaphysical Mama RSS feed
Tiffany is a Spiritual Counsellor and a Self-love Coach, shares articles on emotional freedom techniques, thought field therapy, meditation, chakra clearing. and balancing & self-love.
URL: https://metaphysicalmama.com/feed/
📡 Metaphysical Reflections RSS feed
Exploring philosophical, psychological and spiritual concepts & ideas with a view to illuminating the mind. It is my hope to provide a unique blend of ideas & concepts that inspire a love for wisdom and to help deepen our understanding of soul through creative art. Blog by Jason Youngman.
URL: https://metaphysicaldiscourse.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Metaphysical Speculations RSS feed
Bernardo Kastrup's exploratory journeys through the thoughtscapes of philosophy of mind, ontology, neuroscience of consciousness, psychology, foundations of physics, hermeneutics and philosophy of life.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/BernardoKastrup
📡 Metaphysical Theater RSS feed
The Metaphysical Theater is a series of writings & podcasts by John Tvrz.
URL: https://johntvrz.com/feed/
📡 Metaphysics-For-Better-Living Blog RSS feed
Covers articles about metaphysics for better living, learning how to naturally combine metaphysics and God into a beautiful way of living, provides daily affirmations to help increase the positive thoughts you release into the Universe.
URL: https://www.metaphysics-for-better-living.com/metaphysics-for-better-living.xml
📡 Mira prabhu RSS feed
Metaphysical and Mundane Musings of a Maverick Female Scribe.
URL: https://miraprabhu.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Mommy Mystic RSS feed
My name is Lisa Erickson, and I am a trauma-informed energy worker, mindfulness and chakra meditation instructor, writer, and mom to three. My primary modality is chakra-based energy work, although I am also a certified mindfulness meditation instructor. My specialty is Women's Energetics - women's subtle anatomy, and practices and tools that women can employ to heal, empower, and awaken themselves.
URL: https://mommymystic.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Sher Institute of Astrology & Metaphysics RSS feed
Linking Astrology with Depth and Transpersonal Psychology - Combining psychology, metaphysics, and astrology into one field through both education and services. The Institute offers a variety of educational programs, classes, groups, and retreats, designed to promote and develop greater Self-awareness that leads to an understanding and experience of our true essential nature.
URL: https://www.sherastrology.com/blog/feed/
📡 Sovereign Abilities RSS feed
All original content: out of body experience, OBE, QHHT, UFO Contact, remote viewing, intuitive photography.
URL: https://sovereignabilities.com/feed
📡 The Aquarius Bus RSS feed
The Aquarius Bus is a new, metaphysical emporium, packed with videos, infographics, e-books, and audio. Breaking metaphysical and other-worldly news posted daily.
URL: https://theaquariusbus.com/feed/
📡 the Complacent Mind RSS feed
Sharing the knowledge and wisdom I've gained from my experiences with others as a great coping and healing mechanism, and to help lighten my mental load. In addition, create an outlet to release my thoughts so I can maintain my sanity.
URL: https://thecomplacentmind.blog/feed/
📡 University of Metaphysical Sciences RSS feed
University of Metaphysical Sciences is dedicated to assisting spiritual teachers as they pursue their life purpose and life work, learn to live with integrity and grace, and teach others how to do the same. UMS is dedicated to assisting people in becoming knowledgeable about metaphysical concepts and discovering the true self.
URL: https://metaphysicsuniversity.com/feed/
📡 University of Metaphysics Daily Blog RSS feed
We offer affordable Metaphysical education to those in search of Higher Consciousness truths, fostering the individual, Metaphysical perspectives of students, whether in traditional ministry or in numerous practices such as writing, life coaching, counseling, or spiritual energy healing. This blog includes Daily Metaphysical Moment posts, Weekly Videos, and occasional miscellaneous information.
URL: https://universityofmetaphysics.com/blog/feed/
📡 vexing questions RSS feed
A blog about metaphysics, logic, and the philosophy of religion.
URL: https://vexingquestions.wordpress.com/feed/
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