23 Paragliding RSS feeds
RSS (RDF Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) is a web feed that allows users and applications to access updates to websites in a standardized, computer-readable format. Subscribing to RSS feeds can allow a user to keep track of many different websites in a single news aggregator, which constantly monitor sites for new content, removing the need for the user to manually check them. RSS feeds can be easily imported as posts or pages using multi-source content curation and autoblogging plugins for WordPress such as CyberSEO Pro, or RSS feed aggregators like RSS Retriever and others.
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📡 365hops | Paragliding RSS feed
365hops is a location and interest based crowd-sharing platform for adventure, experiential and off-beat travel activities and aims to be one stop solution for off-beat travel in the near future. Their mission is to connect like minded people who are interested in travel and adventure activities which are happening around or in the place of their interest.
URL: http://www.365hops.com/blog/category/paragliding/feed/
📡 Advance paragliders in the West Country RSS feed
I'm Tim Pentreath and I've been paragliding since 1990 and have been flying Advance wings since 1998 when Gavin Foster sold me a second-hand Omega 4. Over the years I've flown in a number of comps - BPC and British Opens - and in 2014 I flew in both rounds of the British Champs for the first time and won the Sports Class in Ager and came 3rd place in the Championships in Sports Class.
URL: https://flyaszent.com/feed/
📡 Air-Davos Paragliding RSS feed
Discover Davos from a different perspective. We fulfill the dream of flying in the context of an unforgettable paragliding tandem flight in the Davos mountain world.
URL: https://air-davos.ch/en/feed/
📡 Cloudbase Mayhem | A Paraglider's Rant RSS feed
The Cloudbase Mayhem podcast hosted by Gavin McClurg is a place where you will find fascinating and educational interviews with the best free-flight pilots in the world. If you fly a hang glider, paraglider, sailplane, wingsuit, or Hot Air balloon; if you fly acro or cross country, the Cloudbase Mayhem is where they glean how the great pilots of the world get there.
URL: https://www.cloudbasemayhem.com/feed/
📡 Cloudbase Paragliding Australia | Youtube RSS feed
Videos relating to Cloudbase Paragliding Australia - An approved paragliding school located on the NSW Mid North Coast of Australia
URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCwr9cD0pVQKe09EdukB1tvA
📡 FlyinOrange RSS feed
Globe trotting paraglider pilot in search of coaches, courses, and comps.
URL: https://flyinorange.blog/feed/
📡 Global Paragliding RSS feed
Follow this blog and get info & location guides on Paragliding.
URL: https://globalparagliding.com/feed/
📡 Icarus Tandem Paragliding RSS feed
Icarus Tandem Paragliding based in Cape Town started sharing the love with family and friends, they started introducing their loved ones to tandem paragliding.
URL: https://icarusparagliding.co.za/feed/
📡 justACRO.com | the ACRO paragliding portal RSS feed
justACRO.com, the acro paragliding portal serves as the main website of acrobatic paraglider pilots. Large collection of videos, forum, second hand market, acro trick descriptions, glider and harness database, startplace catalog and more.
URL: https://justacro.com/rss.xml
📡 Nicole McLearn's blog RSS feed
I am the Canadian female paragliding champion since 2003, ranked 3rd overall in Canada, and a member of Team Canada. I hold the Canadian female distance XC record as well as the altitude gain record. I represented Canada at the FAI World Championships in 2005, 2007, and 2009, and have flown in various Paragliding World Cups (including the recent Valle de Bravo Superfinal) since 2010.
URL: http://www.nicolemclearn.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Nylon Wing RSS feed
Nylon Wing is a paragliding adventures of an ex-skydiver. For more than 15 years I regularly jumped from aeroplanes. I was involved in competition overseas and eventually instructed first timers to make that life-changing leap. Paragliding was always on my mind and was the obvious choice as a way of enjoying un-powered flight in the mountainous environment near my home.
URL: http://www.nylonwing.com/feed/
📡 Parafly RSS feed
Parafly have been flying the Parafly school since 1986 directly in the Stubai Valley. Discover interesting and interesting facts about paragliding and get caught up in the magic of flying. Follow this blog to find useful information and insider knowledge for a heavenly flying experience with the paraglider.
URL: https://www.parafly.at/paragliding-blog/feed/
📡 Paragliding Forum RSS feed
The definitive place to discuss paragliding.
URL: http://www.paraglidingforum.com/rss.php
📡 Paranauten.com RSS feed
Paranauten.com is a blog for paragliders, paragliders and paragliders. Here, experiences, equipment such as flight areas are reported.
URL: http://www.paranauten.com/feed/
📡 Powered Paragliding RSS feed
This blog documents my experiences with powered paragliding since 2005. I started it as a training tool for myself and to share photos with my friends and fellow pilots The bulk of the material is strait forward flight log entries but occasionally I got inspired and expand on the experience.
URL: https://joeonofrio.com/feed/
📡 Sharemyjoys | Flying paragliders in the mountains RSS feed
Sharemyjoys is a blog by Nick Neynens about paragliding vol bivouac in the mountains, photos and position updates.
URL: https://sharemyjoys.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Sky Candy RSS feed
Team of dedicated professionals who are having experience of many years in the field of paragliding and various other adventure activities.
URL: https://skycandy.in/feed/
📡 Skywalk Paragliders RSS feed
For more than a decade, the heads of skywalk have dealt with the system of flexible flying. The methods have changed dramatically since then, but the passion of the makers has remained the same. Whether a linens specialist or test pilots, every skywalk associate is an absolute specialist in his field.
URL: https://skywalk.info/feed/
📡 Sol Paragliders | Youtube RSS feed
SOL Paragliders is the result of more than 30 years of involvement in the sport - since 1979 has a close relationship with everything that is related to free flight. SOL Paragliders has distributors in 72 countries and has its products being used in all countries of the world where paragliding or paragliding is practiced as it is called in English.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?user=solparagliders
📡 TryFly RSS feed
TryFly is a paragliding website.
URL: https://www.tryfly.pl/category/newsy/feed/
📡 Vess Paragliding RSS feed
Vess Paragliding is everything about Paragliding and Tandem Flight.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UC2EVCdxqLucHjuholzNWJDA
📡 Wind, I Like You RSS feed
My name is Gorgi Ristovski I am from Skopje, Macedonia. I discovered paragliding when I was 18 years old and there has not been a day without thinking about it. Since the start I was addicted to the never ending challenge of understanding the sky as well as the quest of becoming a better and safer pilot.
URL: https://windilikeyou.com/feed/
📡 Yassen Savov RSS feed
I fly paragliders. This is what I do and what this website is mostly about. I learned how to paraglide at the age of 15. Since then much has changed, but not my love for this most simple way of getting high. The addiction stays strong. Self-expression in the air, drawing some beautiful lines, and having fun with a hundred of my friends in some of the most beautiful places on earth.
URL: http://www.yassensavov.com/feed/