87 Political RSS feeds
RSS (RDF Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) is a web feed that allows users and applications to access updates to websites in a standardized, computer-readable format. Subscribing to RSS feeds can allow a user to keep track of many different websites in a single news aggregator, which constantly monitor sites for new content, removing the need for the user to manually check them. RSS feeds can be easily imported as posts or pages using multi-source content curation and autoblogging plugins for WordPress such as CyberSEO Pro, or RSS feed aggregators like RSS Retriever and others.
📡 Alastair Campbell RSS feed
Alastair John Campbell is a British journalist, broadcaster, political aide and author, best known for his work as Downing Street Press Secretary, followed by Director of Communications and Strategy, for prime minister Tony Blair.
URL: https://alastaircampbell.org/feed/
📡 Alberta Liberal Party RSS feed
We seek to improve the system as we search for ways of improving the human condition. We are not afraid to initiate change. Without compromising our principles, our search for solutions is driven not by rigid ideology but by the question, 'What is best?' We're the Alberta Liberal Party, and we are here to stand up for you.
URL: http://liberalalberta.com/feed/rss
📡 Alton Drew RSS feed
Political Intelligence. You name the target. We build the dossier.
URL: https://lawandpoliticsofaltondrew.com/feed/
Irish republican commentary from Ireland on national and international politics, history and culture.
URL: https://ansionnachfionn.com/feed/
📡 Australian Politics RSS feed
Events of interest from a libertarian conservative perspective. Blog by John J. Ray.
URL: http://australian-politics.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Baby Boomer Resistance RSS feed
Covers commentary on policies that Democrats oppose, strategies and solutions suggested to constructively resist Trump and his authoritarianism, written by a psychotherapist with decades of experience. Baby Boomer Resistance Blog is staunchly Anti-Trump Administration.
URL: https://babyboomerresistance.home.blog/feed/
📡 Blurred Bylines RSS feed
Blurred Bylines offers thoughtful posts about U.S. politics and American history with an emphasis on gender, race and LGBTQ issues.
URL: https://blurredbylines.com/feed/
📡 Born To Run The Numbers RSS feed
All-in-one-place political coverage for both the political junkie and the interested observer. Detailed election analysis based on the latest polls, pithy summaries of the political scene, political song parodies, and even a bit of baseball...
URL: http://www.borntorunthenumbers.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 BuzzMachine RSS feed
Authored by NYC insider Jeff Jarvis, BuzzMachine covers news, media, journalism, and politics.
URL: https://buzzmachine.com/feed/
📡 Clark County Politics RSS feed
The blog that NOBODY reads... but everyone gets upset about. Exposing the dark underside of the political world of Clark County, Washington... The least read and most talked about blog around.
URL: http://clarkcountypolitics.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Colorado Peak Politics RSS feed
Award-winning conservative blog on Colorado politics.
URL: https://coloradopeakpolitics.com/feed/
📡 Colorado Pols RSS feed
Colorado Pols is the most widely read and discussed political website in Colorado since it first went online in 2004. Here you will get all inside information and politics news.
URL: https://www.coloradopols.com/feed
📡 Conservative Home RSS feed
Founded by Tim Montgomerie who has been described as 'one of the most influential Tories outside of the cabinet', Conservative Home was created as a hotspot for grassroots Conservative supporters. With a Tory Diary and a Majority section to explore how the Conservatives can win a majority at the next election, Conservative Home delivers all you need from the right end of the spectrum.
URL: http://www.conservativehome.com/feed
📡 Counterspin RSS feed
Political Articles and Updates.
URL: https://hanblecheya2.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Crikey | Politics RSS feed
Crikey is an Australian news and commentary website and newsletter, offering unique perspectives on politics. News and independent commentary on Australian federal, state and local government moves and politics in Crikey's unique style.
URL: https://www.crikey.com.au/politics/feed/
📡 Daily Kos RSS feed
Latest news, stories and analysis to inform readers about hard-hitting issues that matter to progressives. In addition to news and activism, the Daily Kos Elections team provides detailed analysis on congressional elections, state, and local office races year-round. Founded in 2002, Daily Kos is a digital media platform for news you can do something about.
URL: http://www.dailykos.com/blogs/main.rss
📡 Democracy Paradox RSS feed
An Index of Essential Political Science Books.
URL: https://democracyparadox.com/feed/
📡 Eye on Global Politics RSS feed
Blog of Paul F.J Aranas, Lecturer in IR, Writer, and Author of Smokescreen, The US, NATO, and the Illegitimate Use of Force
URL: https://eyeonglobalpolitics.com/feed/
📡 Feministing RSS feed
Posts on intersectional feminist issues from campus sexual violence to transgender rights to reproductive justice.
URL: http://feministing.com/feed/
📡 FiveThirtyEight - Politics RSS feed
Covers latest news and analysis on politics. FiveThirtyEight extends its coverage to diverse areas such as sports, politics, economics, science and life.
URL: https://fivethirtyeight.com/politics/feed/
📡 Front Page Index RSS feed
Get the latest political headlines from the front pages of America's leading news providers. Alex Datig is a political commentator and creator of Front Page Index, a political media resource. -
URL: https://www.frontpageindex.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Gary Has Issues RSS feed
Socio-political commentary. Articles, posts, links, threads concerning life's obstacles, grievances, solutions and challenges. Humor is welcome.
URL: http://www.garyhasissues.com/feed/
📡 Global Media Politics RSS feed
The Globe Is Yours! Top music blog platform for Hip Hop, Rock, EDM, Latin, Pop, and R&B. Covers major and independent artists! News, articles, blog reviews. and interviews.
URL: https://rss.app/feeds/1pIiIFdY1vYNHUSX.xml
GOPUSA ILLINOIS is dedicated to helping keep Illinois Republicans informed about government and political news and commentary.
URL: https://gopillinois.com/feed/
📡 Guido Fawkes RSS feed
Paul Staines, otherwise known as Guido Fawkes, certainly lives up to his pseudonym. His blog, which is described as a 'discussion on parliamentary plots, rumours & conspiracy' is nothing short of explosive. Not content with simply dissecting the murky goings-on in Westminster, Staines breaks the news that politicians don't want you to hear, & you get the impression he's enjoying every minute.
URL: https://feeds.feedburner.com/guidofawkes
📡 Hot Air RSS feed
Hot Air is the leading conservative blog for breaking news and commentary covering the Biden administration, politics, media, culture, and current elections.
URL: http://hotair.com/feed
📡 HuffingtonPost - Politics RSS feed
Follow American politics, keep up with the hottest political debates, and share your thoughts and opinions on the political news that matters to you.
URL: https://www.huffpost.com/section/politics/feed
📡 Iain Dale's Diary RSS feed
Iain Campbell Dale is best known for his political blog Iain Dale's Diary (founded in 2002) and for his frequent appearances on UK news channels as a political commentator.
URL: https://www.iaindale.com/feed
📡 Indian Politics - Interesting insights RSS feed
This site is authored by K. Srinivasan, Founder of Prime Point Foundation, Chennai. Srinivasan is a communication consultant. He is also a social activist, deeply interested in encouraging youngsters towards good politics and governance. Every year, he is also presenting Sansad Ratna Awards to the top performing Lok Sabha Members.
URL: http://www.primepoint.in/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Irish Politics Forum RSS feed
A Political Studies Association of Ireland (PSAI) blog for discussion of politics, policy and political reform. The purpose of the forum is to provide up-to-date analysis of contemporary political events and to encourage moderated comments on all issues relating to politics, policy, and political reform (broadly conceived).
URL: https://politicalreform.ie/feed/
📡 John Redwood's Diary RSS feed
Incisive and topical campaigns and commentary on today's issues and tomorrow'sproblem. Blog by John Redwood.
URL: https://johnredwoodsdiary.com/feed/
📡 Ken Rudin's Political Junkie RSS feed
Ken Rudin's Political Junkie brings a fresh take to political conversation -- featuring energetic discussions, rich historical context, and plenty of bad jokes.
URL: https://www.krpoliticaljunkie.com/feed/
📡 LabourList RSS feed
LabourList is the foremost independent blog for all things Labour, and a discussion platform for everything from the NHS to the EU. While taking a mostly centre-left position, LabourList encompasses a broad range of progressive views, providing analysis and commentary on news from Westminster, local government and the Labour party itself.
URL: https://labourlist.org/feed/
📡 Latest from Crooks and Liars RSS feed
A progressive news blog focusing on political events and the news coverage of them.
URL: http://feeds.crooksandliars.com/crooksandliars/YaCP
📡 Left Foot Forward RSS feed
Left Foot Forward is a political blog for progressives. We provide evidence-based analysis on British politics, news and policy developments.
URL: https://leftfootforward.org/feed/
📡 Los Angeles Times - Politics RSS feed
Essential political coverage from California and the presidential campaign, including in-depth commentary, analysis and election results.
URL: http://www.latimes.com/politics/rss2.0.xml
📡 Man On A Mission: Politics RSS feed
A daily look at state-by-state election polling, national polling trends, and news relating to the 2016 Presidential campaign. Politically moderate with a slight conservative lean, though I strive to keep my personal beliefs out of the political math.
URL: http://moampolitics.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Merge Right Media RSS feed
Here you will find the latest News commentary, videos, trending memes. The Right take on politics and the news.
URL: https://mergerightmedia.com/feed/
📡 Mother Jones - Politics RSS feed
Covers investigative journalism, politics, chart-tastic, sometimes sarcastic articles. Mother Jones is a leading independent news organization, featuring game-changing breaking news, and innovative coverage across politics, the environment, health, human rights, culture, and more.
URL: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/feed/
📡 MoveOn RSS feed
MoveOn is a community of millions of Americans from all walks of life who use innovative technology to lead, participate in, and win campaigns for progressive change.
URL: https://front.moveon.org/feed/
📡 National Review RSS feed
Covers news on politics & policy, culture, white house, world, immigration, economy & business, elections, US, film & TV. National Review was founded in 1955 by William F. Buckley Jr. as a magazine of conservative opinion. The magazine has since defined the modern conservative movement and enjoys the broadest allegiance among American conservatives.
URL: https://www.nationalreview.com/feed/
📡 New Nationalism RSS feed
A positive American nationalist vision inspired by the career and philosophy of Theodore Roosevelt.
URL: https://newnationalism.com/feed/
📡 NewsBusters RSS feed
NewsBusters is a project of the Media Research Center (MRC), America's leading media watchdog in documenting, exposing, and neutralizing liberal media bias. The mission is to create a media culture in America where truth and liberty flourish.
URL: http://www.newsbusters.org/blog/feed
📡 Od's Blog! RSS feed
Catholic comments on the passing parade.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/odsBlog
📡 Old North State Politics RSS feed
'To blog, rather than to seem': a discussion of North Carolina politics and other random political ramblings on southern and American politics.
URL: http://www.oldnorthstatepolitics.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Politic-Ed RSS feed
Politic-Ed is focused on reporting on politics from all over the world. Whether from France, the US, South Africa, or Australia. We pride ourselves on being the first to report breaking news and explaining the policy in depth. Politic-Ed is where professors, CEO's and the average Joe come to exchange political views and opinions. We cover all areas of the political world, providing insights for print, radio, or television. We can provide unrivaled insight into current politics, as well as current fiscal and foreign policy.
URL: https://politic-ed.com/feed/
📡 Politic-ed RSS feed
Politic-ed.com is focused on reporting on politics from all over the world. Whether from France, the US, South Africa or Australia. We pride ourselves on being the first to report breaking news and explaining the policy in depth. It's where professors, CEO's and the average Joe come to exchange political views and opinions.
URL: https://www.politic-ed.com/feed/
📡 Political Gabfest RSS feed
The Gabfest, featuring Emily Bazelon, John Dickerson, and David Plotz, is the kind of informal and irreverent discussion Washington journalists have after hours over drinks. Listen for the debates, stay for the cocktail chatter.
URL: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/slatespoliticalgabfest
📡 PoliticalBetting RSS feed
Britain's most read political blog and the best online resources for Betting on Politics.
URL: https://www7.politicalbetting.com/index.php/feed/
📡 POLITICO Europe RSS feed
European Politics, Policy, Government News. POLITICO covers the politics, policy and personalities of the European Union. With reporting assets across the Continent, POLITICO's coverage includes video features, regular columns, photo galleries, cartoons and political forums.
URL: https://www.politico.eu/feed/
📡 Politics Elections RSS feed
Politics Elections is a full spectrum media company who reports on all things political. If you want to know the latest about politics & elections, go to Politics Elections.
URL: https://politicselections.com/feed/
📡 Politics.co.uk RSS feed
Politics.co.uk is an impartial political website with no political affiliation, which prides itself on standing out as an independent voice in a landscape where the norm is to nail your colours to the mast. Up to the minute UK political news, features, view and analysis, plus guides, briefings and debate.
URL: https://www.politics.co.uk/feed/
📡 PoliticusUSA RSS feed
Bringing you news, political commentary & analysis from a liberal point of view. Founded by Sarah Jones and Jason Easley, PoliticusUSA is independent and is not affiliated with any political party or organization.
URL: http://www.politicususa.com/feed
📡 RealClearPolitics RSS feed
Insightful and impartial news and analysis from the White House, Congress, the campaign trail, and roundtable discussions on CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News. RealClearPolitics (RCP) is an independent, non-partisan media company. Its daily editorial curation and original reporting present balanced, non-partisan analysis that empowers readers to stay informed.
URL: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/index.xml
📡 RealityChek RSS feed
Founder of RealityChek - a blog covering economics, national security, tech, & their intersections. Also checking in regularly on the general human condition.
URL: https://alantonelson.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Reason RSS feed
Covers hard-hitting independent journalism on civil liberties, politics, technology, culture, policy, and commerce. Founded in 1968, Reason is the nation's leading libertarian magazine that delivers fresh, unbiased information and insights to the readers, viewers, and listeners every day.
URL: https://reason.com/feed/
📡 RedState RSS feed
RedState is the leading conservative, political news blog for right of center activists.
URL: https://redstate.com/feed/
📡 Rock Solid Politics RSS feed
Blog by Brad Cabana Political Scientist, Retired Captain -Canadian Armed Forces. Believer in free human spirit. Commentator on local, national, and international politics.
URL: http://rocksolidpolitics.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Salon - Politics RSS feed
Covers breaking news, politics, culture, technology and entertainment through investigative reporting, fearless commentary and criticism, and provocative personal essays.
URL: https://www.salon.com/category/politics/feed
📡 Scams, Swamps and Sinkholes RSS feed
More and more, we are seeing the American Dream being destroyed by not very honest businesses, political entities, and rascals who feign political correctness. This blog is dedicated to call out the abusive entities that attack the basic human rights of the ordinary people, who created the American Dream.
URL: https://fraudwarrevisited.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Schwartzreport RSS feed
Schwartzreport is a daily publication in favor of the earth, the inter-connectedness, and interdependence of all life, democracy, liberty, and things that are life-affirming. It also warns readers about actions and events that threaten those values. Stories have been vetted for accuracy by either a significant peer-reviewed research journal or, at the least, a major journalistic publication.
URL: https://www.schwartzreport.net/feed
📡 Shadowproof RSS feed
Covers articles that are dedicated to exposing abuses of power in business and government. Shadowproof is committed to elevating voices from marginalized communities, as well as dissenting perspectives which deserve greater attention.
URL: https://shadowproof.com/feed/
📡 Slugger O'Toole RSS feed
Slugger O'Toole is an award winning news and opinion portal, which takes a critical look at various strands of political politics in Ireland and Britain. It tries to bring its readers 'open source analysis' from both the mainstream media and the blogosphere. And we are constantly on the look out for opportunities to add value to the debate of matters of regional, national and international concern.
URL: https://sluggerotoole.com/feed/
📡 Steveso Thinks RSS feed
A blog about liberal politics and progressive social issues. A retired American who lived in Penang, Malaysia, and now has returned to the US shares his thoughts, views and opinions on a variety of subjects ranging from the ridiculous to the controversial. The contents are only limited by his imagination.
URL: http://feeds.feedburner.com/StevesoThinks
📡 Taegan Goddard's Political Wire RSS feed
Interesting news, buzz and commentary from inside the halls of government. Taegan Goddard is the founder of Political Wire, one of the earliest and most influential political web sites. Taegan Goddard has spent more than a decade as managing director and chief operating officer of a prominent investment firm in New York City. Previously, he was a policy adviser to a U.S. Senator and Governor. Goddard earned degrees from Vassar College and Harvard University.
URL: https://politicalwire.com/feed/
📡 TalkLeft RSS feed
Provides liberal coverage of crime-related political and injustice news. TalkLeft was created by Jeralyn Merritt in 2000 as a companion site to CrimeLynx, the criminal defense practitioner's Guide to the Internet.
URL: http://www.talkleft.com/index.xml
📡 Technical Politics RSS feed
Technical Politics provides detailed analysis of political issues and looks to contribute to the discussion and analysis of public policy.
URL: https://www.technicalpolitics.com/feed/
📡 The Atlantic - Politics RSS feed
Get the latest news, commentary, and updates for political events, politics, and the government. For more than 150 years, The Atlantic has shaped the national debate on politics, business, foreign affairs, and cultural trends.
URL: https://www.theatlantic.com/feed/channel/politics/
📡 The Campaign Workshop RSS feed
The Campaign Workshop is an award winning political consulting firm that specializes in strategy, digital advertising and political direct mail.
URL: https://www.thecampaignworkshop.com/feed
📡 The Fitz File RSS feed
Progressive news, commentary, and opinions from the American political experiment.
URL: https://fitzfile.com/feed/
📡 The Gateway Pundit RSS feed
Covers breaking news, commentary, analysis and provides opinion on the most pressing issues of the day. Founded in 2004, The Gateway Pundit espouses politically conservative world view that support conservative positions on most issues, including abortion, national defense, small government, second amendment rights, tax policy, individual freedom and Constitutional values.
URL: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/feed/
📡 The Intercept RSS feed
In-depth investigations and unflinching analysis focus on politics, war, surveillance, corruption, the environment, technology, criminal justice, and the media. The Intercept is an award-winning news organization dedicated to holding the powerful accountable through fearless, adversarial journalism.
URL: https://theintercept.com/feed/?rss
📡 The New York Times - Politics RSS feed
News, opinion and multimedia on politics and government.
URL: http://rss.nytimes.com/services/xml/rss/nyt/Politics.xml
📡 The Political Insider RSS feed
Covers politics, culture and opinion through expert analysis, thoughtful commentary, and in-depth investigations on issues facing Americans like you. The Political Insider publishes the authentic conservative voices of political insiders and award-winning contributors who believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.
URL: https://thepoliticalinsider.com/feed/
📡 The Politics Guys RSS feed
Blog by The Politics Guys are Michael Baranowski and Jay Carson.It's about politics. It's about ideas. It's about half an hour.
URL: https://politicsguys.com/feed/?format=xml
📡 The Unz Review RSS feed
The Unz Review is a collection of interesting, important, and controversial perspectives largely excluded from the American mainstream media. Alternative media outlets of the Left and Right have become a crucial supplement to our knowledge of the world, providing those perspectives usually ignored by our mainstream media. This small webzine will aim to provide convenient access to at least a fraction of those voices and topics.
URL: https://www.unz.com/xfeed/rss/all/
📡 Tim Worstall RSS feed
It is all obvious or trivial except blog by Tim Worstall. His Odd bits and pieces of his writing have been known to turn up in The Times, the book pages of the Daily Telegraph and the Philadelphia Inquirer, he's been a long term contributor to TCS Daily and also blogs for The Business and the Adam Smith Institute.
URL: https://www.timworstall.com/feed/
📡 Truthout RSS feed
Truthout is a nonprofit news organization dedicated to providing independent reporting and commentary on a diverse range of social justice issues.
URL: https://truthout.org/feed/?withoutcomments=1
📡 Twitchy - US Politics RSS feed
Twitchy is a ground-breaking social media curation site powered by a kinetic staff of social media junkies. We mine Twitter to bring you 'who said what' in U.S. politics.
URL: http://twitchy.com/category/us-politics/feed/
📡 UncommonThought RSS feed
Keep up with articles from UncommonThought.
URL: https://www.uncommonthought.com/mtblog/feed
📡 Voterly RSS feed
Voterly is the first comprehensive political database, designed to help modern day Americans make quick and informed voting decisions.
URL: https://medium.com/feed/voterly
📡 Vox - Politics & Policy RSS feed
Vox's policy and politics team explains everything you need to know about what's going on in Washington and what it means for your life. Vox is a general interest news site for the 21st century. Vox's journalists candidly shepherd audiences through politics and policy, business and pop culture, food, science, and everything else that matters.
URL: http://www.vox.com/rss/policy-and-politics/index.xml
📡 War and Peace Studies RSS feed
War and Peace Studies
URL: https://sebahatejshala.wordpress.com/feed/
📡 Washington Monthly Magazine RSS feed
Washington Monthly is a political magazine that illuminates the ideas and characters that animate America's government. We break the stories, highlight the issues, and frame the arguments that Americans will read in their newspapers and see on TV and the Web months, even years, later.
URL: http://washingtonmonthly.com/feed/
📡 Wings Over Scotland RSS feed
Maintained and edited by Stuart Campbell, Wings Over Scotland is a pro-independence (although not SNP aligned) website offering commentary and analysis on politics in Scotland. Campbell takes particular aim at reporting from the mainstream media, and if you take a look on the 'about' page you'll find disparaging quotes from journalists proudly displayed.
URL: https://wingsoverscotland.com/feed/
📡 World Politics 101 RSS feed
World Politics 101 gives you an overview, and a critical review of what goes on in the world of politics. World Politics 101 welcomes your comments, and if you feel like joining, a guest article on politics is welcomed.
URL: https://world-politics-101.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
📡 Zenpolitics RSS feed
Articles, comment and meditations on power, oppression and political mindfulness.
URL: http://johnhilley.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss