16 Ukraine RSS feeds
RSS (RDF Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) is a web feed that allows users and applications to access updates to websites in a standardized, computer-readable format. Subscribing to RSS feeds can allow a user to keep track of many different websites in a single news aggregator, which constantly monitor sites for new content, removing the need for the user to manually check them. RSS feeds can be easily imported as posts or pages using multi-source content curation and autoblogging plugins for WordPress such as CyberSEO Pro, or RSS feed aggregators like RSS Retriever and others.
AWESOME KYIV | Kyiv Guide Blog RSS feed
Awesome Kyiv is focused on private tours and showing guests its most hidden treasures, uncovering what is happening behind the Golden Domes of the city.
URL: https://awesomekyiv.com/feed/
Dobovo.com | Ukraine Accomodation Blog RSS feed
Dobovo.com is a solution for accommodation in different cities of Ukraine from just one night to several months depending on customer needs. Accommodation in apartments is very popular here in Ukraine. Our main goal is to simplify this process by providing our customers a single place to arrange their apartment.
URL: https://www.dobovo.com/blog/feed/
Etnocook | Ukraine Food And Kitchenware Blog RSS feed
Etnocook is a culinary resource with traditional ancient Ukrainian recipies. In addition to describing components, recipes, video cooking of ethnic dishes, there are also articles about the kitchen utensils and tools useful for the preparation of delicious meals.
URL: https://etnocook.com/feed/
Fashion Agony | Ukraine Fashion Blogger RSS feed
My name is Nika Huk, I'm based in Ukraine and have been running Fashion Agony since 2010. Blogging has opened a lot of exciting opportunities for me, right now I work as a personal stylist helping girls and women from all over the world to feel more confident about how they look. I also style fashion shoots and consult brands on social media marketing.
URL: http://fashion-agony.com/feed
We are a Ukrainian full-service software development company. We build native applications for the iOS, Android, and Web from square one. IDAP began guiding companies into mobile development in 2012 and has successfully completed 200 projects ever since.
URL: https://idapgroup.com/blog/feed/
IT Outsourcing Review | Ukraine IT Blog RSS feed
IT Outsourcing Review team is a group of IT experts who have been working in the IT outsourcing industry for over 20 years. We have started in the 90s and have been establishing along with the industry from its early times until now when Ukraine is becoming one of the leading IT Outsourcing destination in the world.
URL: https://outsourcingreview.org/feed/
Modernyj Korovai | Ukraine Bread Blog RSS feed
Welcome to my blog about handcrafted Ukrainian breads! I am Luda, a proud Canadian-Ukrainian from Ottawa, Ontario, who loves digging up treasures from my rich cultural heritage. Modernyj Korovai is my little Internet corner where I share all things Ukrainian that fill my world and make me happy, starting with the traditional Ukrainian wedding bread: the korovai.
URL: https://modernyjkorovai.wordpress.com/feed/
New Life Ukraine | Ukraine Surrogacy Blog RSS feed
My name is Dr. Mariam Kukunashvili, founder of New Life Network. Since founding our first branch, our global network of IVF clinics and egg donation and surrogacy agencies has had the absolute joy of being part of the stories of more than 7,000 families along their journeys to parenthood.
URL: https://www.newlifeukraine.com/ivf/blog/feed/
Perfect-Surrogacy | Ukraine Surrogacy Blog RSS feed
Surrogacy Ukraine, IVF Ukraine and Egg dontation Agency, Ukraine surrogacy clinic Unlimited packages and full legal support. Your perfect way to parenthood!
URL: https://www.perfect-surrogacy.com/blog-feed.xml
Ukraine Brides Agency Blog RSS feed
Ukraine Brides Agency was created for men and women who are REALLY serious about building new friendships and forming relationships with a view towards marriage. We are a Ukraine based dating site, and we provide an end to end process from initial correspondence through to meeting your potential partner face to face in Ukraine. We are serious about offering a genuine dating service and can he
URL: https://blog.ukrainebridesagency.com/feed
Ukraine travel | Ukraine Travel Blog RSS feed
Stories, photos and videos about living in Ukraine, attractions for travelers and tourists, and everything that may be interesting to understand Ukraine better.
URL: http://ukrainetrek.com/blog/feed
UKRAINIAN CRUSADE | Ukraine News Blog RSS feed
It's a news blog which tells about the different protests against the political reforms and other human related issues.
URL: https://ukrainiancrusade.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
Ukrainian Lessons | Ukraine Language Blog RSS feed
Learning Ukrainian as a foreign language? Ukrainian Lessons is probably the best place on the Internet to help you learn Ukrainian.
URL: https://www.ukrainianlessons.com/feed/
Ukrainian Space | Ukraine Guide Blog RSS feed
Our company propose assistance services for foreigners in Ukraine.We provide not just standard sightseeing tours, but we can show you Ukraine from any point you wish. Our guides in Ukraine can discuss with you different stories, historical, political part and even business opportunities.
URL: https://www.ukrainianspace.com/feed/
vestor.estate RSS feed
The real estate company that is working with high-end housing for foreign clients. We work with agencies and owners of residential and non-residential real estate in the historical center of Kyiv to buy or manage it for rent out to our regular customers. Follow our blog to know more about us.
URL: https://vestor.estate/feed
Voices of Ukraine | Ukraine News Blog RSS feed
Voices of Ukraine was formed in response to an urgent need for accurate information about events in Ukraine to go global in several languages. We are in Ukraine and other countries and network closely with those involved in current events to verify sources and translate reliable information.
URL: https://maidantranslations.com/feed/